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The Benefits of Copywriting

If you’ve never heard of copywriting, chances are you’ve read it or even done it yourself without knowing. Copywriting consists of writing the text for the purpose of marketing or advertising. It’s kind of like a call to action on a bigger scale. If you write speeches for people, compose corporate or customer emails, build brochures, these are all examples of copywriting. The purpose is to inform the receiver about the brand or business and encourage them to take action– whether that be buying a product, signing up for a volunteer mission, or trying out your services.

So why do you need a copywriter?

Copywriters are educated and experienced in the field of marketing and/or business. They have high levels of grammar and language skills and are often well-spoken with exceptional diction. A copywriter can be self-taught, but the majority of certified copywriters gain a certificate, diploma or degree from an accredited institution. The other few are able to gain work experience as a copywriter and gain skills through lived experience.

As a business owner, if you yourself are not a copywriter, it’s important to hire one. This way you can be assured that your marketing and advertising materials are being received well and that they are solid, viable sources of information for your business. For example, let’s say you choose not to hire a copywriter, and instead take it upon yourself to produce all the marketing materials for your business. Should you release a poster or Instagram ad where a link sends people to your competitor’s site, or there are noticeable spelling and grammatical errors within the post, you have lost trust with your audience.

Copywriting for sales and promotion is important for business because you want people to be informed about your product or services, but beyond that, you want them to buy or invest in what you’re selling. Just simply informing clients about something isn’t always enough for them to commit to making a purchase. You as the business need to create a “need” for what you’re promoting. Someone who’s bald won’t buy just any hair growth product just because it’s labelled that. The customer wants the best of the best, and to see how their lives will be impacted by the investment. That’s where copywriting comes in. It develops the basics of product marketing to create a need for a specific product or service.

Copywriting doesn’t just include emails or brochures. It also includes social media posts, videos, websites, and so much more. Essentially anything that is related to your product or service, can be enhanced by a copywriter.

Where do I look for a copywriter?

Most businesses will turn to job boards, Google or reach out to students coming out of university or college. If you’re looking for an alternative try reaching out to a virtual assistant. Most VAs will not only offer copywriting services, but they will have clientele that proves their work and also offer other services you might not know you needed. Instead of hiring 2 or 3 people to do different jobs within your business, see if you can locate a VA that offers all the services you’re looking for. It’s a much more cost-effective way for you to achieve the results you want, without having to train a new permanent employee or worry about things like extended benefits, overtime or their skill level. It's the VAs responsibility to have the training required to take on projects; therefore, you don’t have to worry about sending employees to training or having a probation period.


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