Ah, working from home is a luxury that us VAs seem to be especially grateful for during the holidays. Here in Canada, the winters are cold and any chance to escape the daily work commute and cold air is a win in our books! You never have to worry about booking time off from the office to make that family dinner or holiday party, and you get to have control of your schedule. However, that doesn’t mean that working remotely doesn’t have it’s challenges, especially when the holidays are typically a busy time of year for your clients, and consequently, you and your team. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel the need to be available all of the time. Here are our tried and true tips for disconnecting and being present during the holidays when working remotely.
Create a distraction free workspace where you can get your daily work done
We don’t know about you, but often around the holidays, the mere thought of working while your couch, a cozy fire, and a movie are waiting for you just feet away is almost impossible to entertain. We find that it helps to work in a bright and inviting space, as it fosters productivity in a quiet, distraction-free environment. The faster you focus and get your work done, the quicker you can get back to soaking in that holiday cheer.
Silence all work calls and notifications when you’re done working for the day
With so many platforms, there’s always a notification popping up on your phone, and we know just how easy it can be to fall into the trap of feeling like you have to answer immediately. Setting boundaries with your clients and team members by letting them know that you are unavailable after a certain time will avoid any miscommunication and set a healthy work/rest boundary within your business. We also recommend leaving your laptop in your workspace for the evening if you can. It’s no secret that being a VA requires you to constantly be on your laptop, and if you struggle with being a workaholic, it can be difficult to not check your emails or overwork — so leave it in the other room and enjoy your night off!
Create a holiday work schedule and stick to it
The month of December often requires a different schedule than most months due to holiday parties and dinners, extra days off, and a busy season for most businesses. We find it useful to sit down a few weeks before the start of December and create a daily schedule that caters to your plans for this holiday season. By pre-planning, you’ll be able to save yourself many long nights of work caused by missing a day and falling behind, and enjoy your days off fully disconnected and guilt-free this holiday season!
These are our top tips for disconnecting and being present during the holiday season — what are some of yours? Let us know below, as well as your favorite holiday perk of working remotely as a VA!
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