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How to Create Constructive New Year’s Resolutions

With 2021 wrapping up and 2022 on the horizon, we thought it would be helpful to provide you all with some tips and tricks for creating constructive resolutions for your new year. Resolutions are a great way to jumpstart your routine again (post-Christmas feasts) or knock some things off your bucket list. Either way, if you aren’t the ‘resolution-type’ try replacing the word itself with goals, and watch your perspective shift. Implementing these tips will help you in the short and long-term when it comes to maintaining your resolutions and achieving your goals!

Tip #1: Don’t Plan In Absolutes

When you’re trying to get back into your routine, or implement a new one, it can seem daunting at first. We suggest giving yourself time and acceptance when you make a mistake or slip-up. So long as you are able to get yourself back on track, that’s all that matters.

Giving your goals flexibility also allows you to proactively prepare for the unexpected night out with friends, family coming for a visit, or sleeping through your alarm. Eventually you will get to that desired goal, but just know that it takes time and patience to see results and a difference in your attitude.

Tip #2: Start Small

Starting small is likely something you’ve heard before. A lot of the time, when it comes to setting out New Year's resolutions, people think that the bigger the resolution, the better they will be. In fact, setting too big of goals for yourself can lead to unrealistic and unattainable goals and make you feel frustrated.

We recommend creating short-term and long-term goals, making little tweaks to your current routine or status, and aligning your goals with their appropriate timeframe. For example, if one of your resolutions is to lose 10 pounds, learn how to incorporate small changes into your current routine and always overestimate how long it will take you.

Tip #3: Make It Worthwhile

Of course you can do the classic resolutions of spending more time with your family or reducing your meat consumption, but if it’s not something you are truly passionate about, you won’t stick to it. It’s important that you sit down and analyze your values and how you can improve yourself, based on your interests.

Going with the flow when it comes to goal-setting is never the best approach because unfortunately there is no ‘one-size fits all’ method that will allow you to achieve your goals similar to anyone else.

If your goal is starting a business, write down why you want to start one. What skills or certifications do you have to compliment the products or services you’re going to offer? What is your motivation for starting a business, and is it a long-term or short-term goal for you?

Tip #4: Always Have A Plan Of Attack

At CVA, we are big planners. Having a primary plan, a backup plan, and a backup to your backup plan are always ideal. This way, if you end up falling off track or something unexpected comes up that you didn’t initially plan for, you won’t be disappointed or stressed out about how you will reach your goals.

If your resolution for 2022 is to travel more, some ways you can plan for success are:

  • Having a physical list of places you want to go

  • Researching costs (flights, hotels, food, etc.) and how much you will have to save prior to the trip

  • Deciding on if you want to travel solo or with a friend. If you’re travelling with someone else, have a plan in case they can’t make it.

  • Know what you want to see in each spot and checking if tourists are welcome (seasonal tours, private hours, accessibility)

For questions, please reach out to us using the contact form on our website. To stay up to date with all things VA, travel, and lifestyle, make sure you follow us on social media!


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