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3 Tips for a Successful WFH Lunch Break

When you work from home it can be challenging to not devour everything in your fridge, pantry – down to the little mints left in your pockets from restaurants. Or on the contrary, you could be one of those people that works from sunrise to sundown and forgets that humans need food to continue living. Either way, trying to work a lunch break into your schedule can be challenging, especially since you’re already home. Why not just have a few coffees here and there? Occasionally a few (or an entire box) of those stale chips from the last girls/guys night which was approximately three months ago since you have no time for unimportant things like grocery shopping.

Have no fear; CVA is here! (#superherojingle) We’ve come up with three tips so that you can, in fact, have a successful lunch break while working from the comforts of your home.

Get out of the house

The first rule of establishing a successful lunch break is getting away from your workspace. Think of what your routine would be like if you had to go into an office everyday and work somewhere other than your home. Imagine having to change out of stretchy pants and actually running a brush through your hair.

Most of us would get stir crazy just sitting in an office the entire day, so having a break would be a godsend for getting out and enjoying some fresh air. Unless you live in a city, then maybe it’s more polluted air– but same principle.

Whether you decide to spend your lunch break walking around the block or for your regular speed walk to the Starbucks in hopes that the line isn’t too long that it takes your entire break, but long enough for that new barista to notice you. You could also walk to a local cafe or any place that sells food to pick up your lunch, or if you’re tight for cash, you could bring something from home and take a jaunt around the area to get your endorphins up.This way you’re able not only getting your steps in (hello summer body) but you’re also able to return to your desk with a refreshed and rejuvenated outlook and attitude. A real winner for when those 2pm meetings hit and suddenly you’re debating calling in sick tomorrow.

Do other stuff

Ultimately, your lunch break isn’t just for eating lunch. Unless you’re a slow eater and take up the entire 30 minutes-1 hour eating that salad in hopes that your skinny jeans will fit a little better, you can do other things too during this time.

Since you work from home, we can almost guarantee you have a to-do list (or worse, a “honey-do list”) that keeps growing by the hour. Try splitting your time between eating some grub and knocking things off that list whether it’s taking the dog for a bath, putting a load of laundry in, or putting away the dishes in the dishwasher from four days ago. Make use of your time to the best of your ability and get sh*t done.

Treat yourself like the queen you are

One thing that can wear us down even more, is looking in the mirror at the end of a workday and seeing those under-eye bags, dull hair, or feeling the aches and pains of sitting all day.

If you’re looking to amp up your workday and feel more confident, commit your lunch breaks to doing something for yourself whether it’s once a week or every lunch break. Something that enhances your confidence and makes you feel that much better about yourself.

Short on ideas? Don’t worry, we’ve come up with a few ways of our own to treat ourselves when we’re short on time or during lunch breaks! Check them out:

  • Wash and condition your hair. Seems simple, but a serious deep cleanse of your scalp and a conditioning masque can do wonders for your hair health.

  • Schedule a massage. This way you’re certain on how long it will take and leave it to the pros to work out all those kinks and knots. So long achy-breaky back!

  • Do your nails. This can be done yourself or if you’re feeling extra spicy, you can book a nail appointment and get the full treatment.

  • Go for a walk or a run with a friend. Spend some quality time with people you haven’t connected with in awhile.


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